What are Chakras? If you're not familiar with that word...here's a clip from an animated children's show explaining what chakras are, how they work, and how to work with them to better your life.
One of the things I am most grateful for is my health and my knowledge about health and wellness. I was sickly when I was child, but now that I'm an health practitioner, I hardly get sick even after getting exposed to some pretty ill patients at the clinic.
As a child, yes I was vaccinated, but beyond that, my mother hardly ever brought me to a medical doctor, unless she thought I was dying. I remember having measles twice. Whenever I was ill, she would bring me instead to a local "hilot" (hee-lot). A hilot is somewhat of a "wildcrafted" massage therapist-midwife-herbalist-energy (faith) healer-shaman rolled into one. Their healing skill/talent/knowledge/gift was typically passed down from one generation to the next. I was a regular "patient" of my beloved hilot, and I'd always feel better after seeing her. This is one of my favorite Tedx talks. When I’m in need of inspiration because I feel lost in my ego and scared in this world, I watch this video. Anita Moorjani is the best selling author of “Dying to Be Me”. In her book, she shares her life story and her unbelievable near death experience. And out of that experience, she learned the 5 most valuable lessons in life. Watch and take notes. I know you’ll enjoy this video as much as I do. This is the most fascinating, moving, and the most powerful Tedx talk I’ve ever watched. Definitely my top fave! Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor shares her incredible experience that allowed her to study her own brain’s consciousness as she was having a stroke and recounted her experience moment by moment as her brain started to deteriorate. As a Doctor of Chiropractic, neurology is a big part of my world. I am simply in awe. Our brain’s design and consciousness are simply divinely profound! Leaky gut is exactly what it sounds like. The intestinal tract is like a fine screen or mesh, which only lets nutrients of a certain size through. The nutrients then pass into the hepatic portal blood vessels, which can bring nutrients to the liver, your chemical detoxification plant.
In a leaky gut condition, the intestinal tract becomes inflamed and the selective permeability (letting only digested food particle through) breaks down. This allows the passage of not only normal digested nutrient building blocks (amino acids, fatty acids and simple sugars from carbohydrates), but also the passage of larger food particles, like larger chain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and toxins that were never meant to pass through. This can be likened to a window screen. If the screen is functioning properly with no holes in it, air will pass through, but the flies, mosquitoes and other bugs will not. In leaky gut, the intestinal barrier becomes inflamed. Instead of only letting the digested broken down food particles through, the larger food particles and toxins enter, causing the immune system to become weakened and over stimulated. This is like the screen that now has tears, making larger holes that allow all types of insects to get through. This presents a few problems. Today, I give myself permission…
To heal… To be well… To love myself… Today, I give myself permission… To be happy in my body… To live the way I was intended to be… To be beautiful and magnificent at all times… To be self-forgiving and self-compassionate… Today, I give myself permission… To stay in harmony with the Universe… To receive as well as to give… To be provided, loved and cared for… Today, I give myself permission… To be pampered and nurtured… To be grounded in my heart… To surrender to Higher Power… Today, I give myself permission… To enjoy peace and serenity… To feel like a kid again… To own my power… To be limitless… Today, I give myself permission to be ME! I’ve heard about this prayer about 3 or 4 years ago. I ignored it.
A couple of months ago, after having a family crisis, my friend and Malibu’s finest equine coach, Katie Neligan, suggested I say the Ho’oponopono to help clear the energy around my family. So I did the next most logical thing to do…I read about it, and I studied it. Within 24 hours, I devoured Dr. Joe Vitale’s book called “Zero Limits” to understand what Ho’oponopono is all about. And I loved it! ![]() Let’s start with these questions that you may want to ask yourself. You may want to jot down your answers in your journal. Take note that one part of your brain may say one thing, yet the other part of you may say otherwise. And please, be very honest about your answers.
Many entrepreneurs will tell you that ideas are the easy part. It’s the implementation that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. Turning an idea into reality is a skill that anyone can learn. Managing yourself and daily action are the most important factors.
What would you do if you knew failure wasn’t possible? Follow these steps to create your own reality: While many believe that knowledge is power, knowledge is only powerful when it’s consistently applied. Consistency may be the most important component of success. A small step forward each day adds up to a lot of mileage over time.
Are the little things you do each day adding up to something positive? Or is the quality of your life slowly slipping away? With consistent action over the next 10 or 20 years, what could you accomplish? Five cold calls each day for 5 days per week equal 1300 sales calls in 1 year! Five small pieces of chocolate over the same schedule is roughly 25,000 calories, or the equivalent of over 7 lbs. Are your consistent behaviors helping or harming? Use the power of consistency to enhance your success: |
AuthorDr. Jane San Juan is a heart-centered cranial chiropractor, acupuncturist and a certified EFT tapping coach serving the Santa Monica and West Los Angeles community. Archives
December 2016